Weekly News

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August 2, 2021

Into the Bible, into the Bible, Dear Christians! (Luther) Fall Faith Formation offerings are now listed!  Sign-up for your opportunities to engage in exploring God's Word and how we live it in our real lives!  Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex online or you can call the Church Office.  SIGN UP NOW!

Backpack Blessing Sunday will be August 15th. Students and teachers of all ages are invited to this special blessing for the academic year to come. Please bring your backpack if you are able.

Acolyte & Crucifer Training will be held on August 15th. Starting in 3rd grade, children are able to serve as acolytes. Starting in high school, youth are able to serve as crucifers. Please join us in the sanctuary after worship to learn more about these roles. 

Join the Joyful Noise Music Ministry! Looking for something new in the fall? Consider giving Joyful Noise a try! We are looking for new singers and instrumentalists to join our ministry! We welcome beginners to experts, the young and the young at heart and everyone in between!

  • Sing with the choir! We rehearse after the worship service on certain Sundays
  • Play with the strings group! We practice before worship on certain Sundays
  • Ring with the Handbell Choir! We practice on Sunday afternoons.

Click to see our schedule and talk to Kelsey about sitting in on a rehearsal!

*NEW to FALL 2021* Joyful Noise Junior is open to kids ages 8-16! We will rehearse once a month and lead the worship service! We will present a combination of singing and instrument playing! Our rehearsals are after the worship service on certain Sundays. More information to follow!

Interested? Talk to Kelsey: KelseyScheuerman@gmail.com

Feed Galveston will be hosted on September 11th from 10:00am-3:00pm in the Lyceum of Galveston. To sign up for a 2 hour shift, please contact emily@firstlutherangalveston.com or call the church office and ask for Emily.

Rally Day, the kickoff for youth and family ministry programs, will be on Sunday, August 29th. This celebration will begin immediately after the worship service. Please join us to learn about our Little Steps, Children's Faith Formation, Confirmation, FLY, and Children's Music.

The Mission Team is collecting teacher supplies during the month of August.  Make sure to check out the July Monthly Newsletter for ideas on what to donate. Teachers end up buying a lot of supplies out of their own pocket and donations will go a long way in helping them out in the fall.

Helping Hands Ministry Within - The Mission Team had just began the work of our in-church ministry designed to help us to help each other when COVID decided to interrupt our plan. Here is preview of what this new mission is all about and why you should be excited:

  • Who? We are a group of members from First Lutheran who want to help other members of our congregation.
  • What? We are a ministry designed to assist members with household tasks or small repairs that they cannot complete on their own. Some examples include: small item removal, fixing sticking doors, changing light bulbs, moving items from house to garage or attic, trimming hedges as well as many other small household chores. The team cannot complete repairs on an emergency basis, resolve major problems, or undertake jobs that would be dangerous or present a liability issue.
  • When? Our goal is to have Helping Hands Ministry Within operational in the Summer of 2021. As with any new endeavor we expect to encounter roadblocks along the way so we are asking for your patience!
  • Where? We will be available to help you at your residence.
  • Why? Everyone needs a Helping Hand at one time or another!
  • How? Complete the Helping Hands form, available in the narthex, with name, contact information, and type of assistance needed. Place the form in the Helping Hands box and a member will contact you.

For more information please contact James Gainer at 409-771-0712or email him at pinkivory_99@yahoo.com.  Leave a message and Jim will respond as soon as he is able.

The Mission Team is excited to add to our “Helping Hands Within” program that if you need transportation to the doctor, need an errand run or whatever we can help with transportation wise, please call Kay Henson Tucker @ 409-370-1318.  If Kay is not available, she will contact someone else that hopefully can help. If you are interested in this program and would like to help, please let Kay know. Thanks for your ministry in Helping Hands Within.

Memory Loss Happens – What about when it is beyond normal memory loss? The Alzheimer Association is offering online webinars to help better understand dementia so as to empower the care givers and family members. Click this link for more information. CareGivers. More questions? Contact Corinne Rhoades at Libbie’s Place Adult Day Center (409) 741-2538.

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am
Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

As stewards of the wellbeing of our community, the Church Council updated the pandemic protocols at the June Church Council meeting. You are encouraged to wear a mask as you enter and exit the building where close contact between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals is possible. In the Sanctuary masks are strongly encouraged for those wo are not fully vaccinated. We will continue to utilize social distancing in the sanctuary. We will also continue to make masks and hand sanitizers available at the entrances of the building. Please be mindful of the most vulnerable in our midst, as children under the age of 12 are not eligible for the vaccine at this time.

HOME Holy Communion Package: If you need home communion supplies as you worship virtually, please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $7118.50


- In-person: 73

- Virtually Online (Includes Facebook, YouTube, and Website views):

  Children's Message: 97 views
  Sermon: 83 views
  Worship Service: 133 views
This Week’s Birthdays

  • Amanda Coles 2nd
  • Jeffrey Peterson 2nd
  • Carol Adams 3rd
  • Ken Norris 4th
  • Tom Kirkpatrick 5th
  • Kara Kraft 5th
  • Donna Spencer 6th
  • Donna Agrella 7th
  • Carolyn Glenney 7th
  • Eric Scales 7th
  • Ingrid Capek 8th
  • Pat Henderson 8th
  • Ann Powell 8th


  • Steve & Barb Elliot 3rd


July 26, 2019

Into the Bible, into the Bible, Dear Christians! (Luther) Fall Faith Formation offerings are now listed!  Sign-up for your opportunities to engage in exploring God's Word and how we live it in our real lives!  Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex online or you can call the Church Office.  SIGN UP NOW!

The Mission Team is collecting teacher supplies during the month of July.  Make sure to check out the Monthly Newsletter for ideas on what to donate. Teachers end up buying a lot of supplies out of their own pocket and donations will go a long way in helping them out in the fall.

THANK YOU to all who helped to make Vacation Bible School 2021 a wonderful experience!  

THANK YOU to the Men's Club for a wonderful hamburger and hot dog lunch!  It was a treat for us to be able to eat together and to enjoy fellowship.

THANK YOU to the crew that worked to seal the stone on the main sanctuary building and repaired the cross atop the Lyceum steeple. The restoration work is making progress!

Helping Hands Ministry Within - The Mission Team had just began the work of our in-church ministry designed to help us to help each other when COVID decided to interrupt our plan. Here is preview of what this new mission is all about and why you should be excited:

  • Who? We are a group of members from First Lutheran who want to help other members of our congregation.
  • What? We are a ministry designed to assist members with household tasks or small repairs that they cannot complete on their own. Some examples include: small item removal, fixing sticking doors, changing light bulbs, moving items from house to garage or attic, trimming hedges as well as many other small household chores. The team cannot complete repairs on an emergency basis, resolve major problems, or undertake jobs that would be dangerous or present a liability issue.
  • When? Our goal is to have Helping Hands Ministry Within operational in the Summer of 2021. As with any new endeavor we expect to encounter roadblocks along the way so we are asking for your patience!
  • Where? We will be available to help you at your residence.
  • Why? Everyone needs a Helping Hand at one time or another!
  • How? Complete the Helping Hands form, available in the narthex, with name, contact information, and type of assistance needed. Place the form in the Helping Hands box and a member will contact you.

For more information please contact James Gainer at 409-771-0712or email him at pinkivory_99@yahoo.com.  Leave a message and Jim will respond as soon as he is able.

The Mission Team is excited to add to our “Helping Hands Within” program that if you need transportation to the doctor, need an errand run or whatever we can help with transportation wise, please call Kay Henson Tucker @ 409-370-1318.  If Kay is not available, she will contact someone else that hopefully can help. If you are interested in this program and would like to help, please let Kay know. Thanks for your ministry in Helping Hands Within.

Memory Loss Happens – What about when it is beyond normal memory loss? The Alzheimer Association is offering online webinars to help better understand dementia so as to empower the care givers and family members. Click this link for more information. CareGivers. More questions? Contact Corinne Rhoades at Libbie’s Place Adult Day Center (409) 741-2538.

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am
Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

As stewards of the wellbeing of our community, the Church Council updated the pandemic protocols at the June Church Council meeting. You are encouraged to wear a mask as you enter and exit the building where close contact between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals is possible. In the Sanctuary masks are strongly encouraged for those wo are not fully vaccinated. We will continue to utilize social distancing in the sanctuary. We will also continue to make masks and hand sanitizers available at the entrances of the building. Please be mindful of the most vulnerable in our midst, as children under the age of 12 are not eligible for the vaccine at this time.

HOME Holy Communion Package: If you need home communion supplies as you worship virtually, please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $6614


- In-person: 94

- Virtually Online (Includes Facebook, YouTube, and Website views):

  Children's Message: 109 views
  Sermon: 98 views
  Worship Service: 141 views
This Week’s Birthdays

  • Carol Hasserd 27th
  • Brad Cox 29th
  • Dallas Stakes 29th
  • Maddison Crutchfield 30th
  • Fred Hiddleston 30th
  • Norbert Kurtz 30th
  • Mike Geml 31st
  • Justina Boysen 1st
  • Lindsey Getty 1st
  • Bianca Haupt 1st


  • Doug & Mary Lee Guthier 27th
  • Sluggo & Dodie Thiem 27th


July 19, 2021

Into the Bible, into the Bible, Dear Christians! (Luther) Fall Faith Formation offerings are now listed!  Sign-up for your opportunities to engage in exploring God's Word and how we live it in our real lives!  Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex online or you can call the Church Office.  SIGN UP NOW!

The Mission Team is collecting teacher supplies during the month of July.  Make sure to check out the Monthly Newsletter for ideas on what to donate. Teachers end up buying a lot of supplies out of their own pocket and donations will go a long way in helping them out in the fall.

THANK YOU to all who helped to make Vacation Bible School 2021 a wonderful experience!  

THANK YOU to the Men's Club for a wonderful hamburger and hot dog lunch!  It was a treat for us to be able to eat together and to enjoy fellowship.

THANK YOU to the crew that worked to seal the stone on the main sanctuary building and repaired the cross atop the Lyceum steeple. The restoration work is making progress!

Helping Hands Ministry Within - The Mission Team had just began the work of our in-church ministry designed to help us to help each other when COVID decided to interrupt our plan. Here is preview of what this new mission is all about and why you should be excited:

  • Who? We are a group of members from First Lutheran who want to help other members of our congregation.
  • What? We are a ministry designed to assist members with household tasks or small repairs that they cannot complete on their own. Some examples include: small item removal, fixing sticking doors, changing light bulbs, moving items from house to garage or attic, trimming hedges as well as many other small household chores. The team cannot complete repairs on an emergency basis, resolve major problems, or undertake jobs that would be dangerous or present a liability issue.
  • When? Our goal is to have Helping Hands Ministry Within operational in the Summer of 2021. As with any new endeavor we expect to encounter roadblocks along the way so we are asking for your patience!
  • Where? We will be available to help you at your residence.
  • Why? Everyone needs a Helping Hand at one time or another!
  • How? Complete the Helping Hands form, available in the narthex, with name, contact information, and type of assistance needed. Place the form in the Helping Hands box and a member will contact you.

For more information please contact James Gainer at 409-771-0712or email him at pinkivory_99@yahoo.com.  Leave a message and Jim will respond as soon as he is able.

The Mission Team is excited to add to our “Helping Hands Within” program that if you need transportation to the doctor, need an errand run or whatever we can help with transportation wise, please call Kay Henson Tucker @ 409-370-1318.  If Kay is not available, she will contact someone else that hopefully can help. If you are interested in this program and would like to help, please let Kay know. Thanks for your ministry in Helping Hands Within.

Memory Loss Happens – What about when it is beyond normal memory loss? The Alzheimer Association is offering online webinars to help better understand dementia so as to empower the care givers and family members. Click this link for more information. CareGivers. More questions? Contact Corinne Rhoades at Libbie’s Place Adult Day Center (409) 741-2538.

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am
Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

As stewards of the wellbeing of our community, the Church Council updated the pandemic protocols at the June Church Council meeting. You are encouraged to wear a mask as you enter and exit the building where close contact between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals is possible. In the Sanctuary masks are strongly encouraged for those wo are not fully vaccinated. We will continue to utilize social distancing in the sanctuary. We will also continue to make masks and hand sanitizers available at the entrances of the building. Please be mindful of the most vulnerable in our midst, as children under the age of 12 are not eligible for the vaccine at this time.

HOME Holy Communion Package: If you need home communion supplies as you worship virtually, please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $5105


- In-person: 101

- Virtually Online (Includes Facebook, YouTube, and Website views):

  Children's Message: 78 views
  Sermon: 121 views
  Worship Service: 113 views
This Week’s Birthdays

  • Enrique Barrientos 19th
  • Josh Hernandez 20th
  • Frank Macaluso 20th
  • Nadine Murphy 20th
  • Cornel Schultz 20th
  • Pete Bartosh 21st
  • Bryson Peña 21st
  • William Morales 24th
  • Charlotte Blacketer 25th
  • Colten Campbell 25th
  • Jo Ann Smith 25th
  • Matthew Worthen 25th




July 12, 2021

July 12, 2021

Vacation Bible School July 17-18 -- Kids from Kindergarten to 5th Grade are invited to join us in learning about the "Power of Prayer" at our VBS program. Older kids can sign up to volunteer. We will have music, games, bible stories, arts & crafts, and lots of fun! We suggest a $15 donation to help cover the cost of food. To reserve your spot please email emily@firstlutherangalveston.com 

Congregational Dinner after Church on July 18! The Men's Club will host a hamburger/hot dog dinner after worship on Sunday, July 18, in the Parish Hall. A recommended donation of $7 is suggested. All profits will go to the youth in preparation for their trip to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in the summer of 2022.  Sign up to help the men  know how much food to prepare.

Sealing of the Stone Later this week the work of sealing the stone on the main sanctuary building will begin! This is a critical step in the process of stopping water from penetrating into the building.  The sealing of the stone should happen every 8 to 10 years -- so we should plan to clean and seal the stone again in 2029/30. Sidewalks near the building will be closed for this work to take place.

The Mission Team is collecting teacher supplies during the month of July.  Make sure to check out the Monthly Newsletter for ideas on what to donate. Teachers end up buying a lot of supplies out of their own pocket and donations will go a long way in helping them out in the fall.

Helping Hands Ministry Within - The Mission Team had just began the work of our in-church ministry designed to help us to help each other when COVID decided to interrupt our plan. Here is preview of what this new mission is all about and why you should be excited:

  • Who? We are a group of members from First Lutheran who want to help other members of our congregation.
  • What? We are a ministry designed to assist members with household tasks or small repairs that they cannot complete on their own. Some examples include: small item removal, fixing sticking doors, changing light bulbs, moving items from house to garage or attic, trimming hedges as well as many other small household chores. The team cannot complete repairs on an emergency basis, resolve major problems, or undertake jobs that would be dangerous or present a liability issue.
  • When? Our goal is to have Helping Hands Ministry Within operational in the Summer of 2021. As with any new endeavor we expect to encounter roadblocks along the way so we are asking for your patience!
  • Where? We will be available to help you at your residence.
  • Why? Everyone needs a Helping Hand at one time or another!
  • How? Complete the Helping Hands form, available in the narthex, with name, contact information, and type of assistance needed. Place the form in the Helping Hands box and a member will contact you.

For more information please contact James Gainer at 409-771-0712or email him at pinkivory_99@yahoo.com.  Leave a message and Jim will respond as soon as he is able.

The Mission Team is excited to add to our “Helping Hands Within” program that if you need transportation to the doctor, need an errand run or whatever we can help with transportation wise, please call Kay Henson Tucker @ 409-370-1318.  If Kay is not available, she will contact someone else that hopefully can help. If you are interested in this program and would like to help, please let Kay know. Thanks for your ministry in Helping Hands Within.

Memory Loss Happens – What about when it is beyond normal memory loss? The Alzheimer Association is offering online webinars to help better understand dementia so as to empower the care givers and family members. Click this link for more information. CareGivers. More questions? Contact Corinne Rhoades at Libbie’s Place Adult Day Center (409) 741-2538.

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am
Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

As stewards of the wellbeing of our community, the Church Council updated the pandemic protocols at the June Church Council meeting. You are encouraged to wear a mask as you enter and exit the building where close contact between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals is possible. In the Sanctuary masks are strongly encouraged for those wo are not fully vaccinated. We will continue to utilize social distancing in the sanctuary. We will also continue to make masks and hand sanitizers available at the entrances of the building. Please be mindful of the most vulnerable in our midst, as children under the age of 12 are not eligible for the vaccine at this time.

HOME Holy Communion Package: If you need home communion supplies as you worship virtually, please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $7062


- In-person:  77

- Virtually Online (Includes Facebook, YouTube, and Website views):

  Children's Message: 159 views
  Sermon: 134 views
  Worship Service: 131 views
This Week’s Birthdays

  • Stella Ryan 12th
  • Lissa Evans 13th
  • Shawn Walker 13th
  • Christopher Crutchfield 14th
  • Joe Byers 15th
  • Jack Danner 16th
  • Hank Eilers 16th
  • Noah Rice 16th
  • Mark Murphy 17th


  • Carols and Diane Peña 15th
  • Jim and Kathy Gainer 16th


July 6, 2021

Vacation Bible School July 17-18 -- Kids from Kindergarten to 5th Grade are invited to join us in learning about the "Power of Prayer" at our VBS program. Older kids can sign up to volunteer. We will have music, games, bible stories, arts & crafts, and lots of fun! We suggest a $15 donation to help cover the cost of food. To reserve your spot please email emily@firstlutherangalveston.com 

Congregational Dinner after Church on July 18! The Men's Club will host a hamburger/hot dog dinner after worship on Sunday, July 18, in the Parish Hall. A recommended donation of $7 is suggested. All profits will go to the youth in preparation for their trip to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in the summer of 2022.  Sign up to help the men  know how much food to prepare.

The Mission Team is collecting teacher supplies during the month of July.  Make sure to check out the Monthly Newsletter for ideas on what to donate. Teachers end up buying a lot of supplies out of their own pocket and donations will go a long way in helping them out in the fall.

Helping Hands Ministry Within - The Mission Team had just began the work of our in-church ministry designed to help us to help each other when COVID decided to interrupt our plan. Here is preview of what this new mission is all about and why you should be excited:

  • Who? We are a group of members from First Lutheran who want to help other members of our congregation.
  • What? We are a ministry designed to assist members with household tasks or small repairs that they cannot complete on their own. Some examples include: small item removal, fixing sticking doors, changing light bulbs, moving items from house to garage or attic, trimming hedges as well as many other small household chores. The team cannot complete repairs on an emergency basis, resolve major problems, or undertake jobs that would be dangerous or present a liability issue.
  • When? Our goal is to have Helping Hands Ministry Within operational in the Summer of 2021. As with any new endeavor we expect to encounter roadblocks along the way so we are asking for your patience!
  • Where? We will be available to help you at your residence.
  • Why? Everyone needs a Helping Hand at one time or another!
  • How? Complete the Helping Hands form, available in the narthex, with name, contact information, and type of assistance needed. Place the form in the Helping Hands box and a member will contact you.

For more information please contact James Gainer at 409-771-0712or email him at pinkivory_99@yahoo.com.  Leave a message and Jim will respond as soon as he is able.

The Mission Team is excited to add to our “Helping Hands Within” program that if you need transportation to the doctor, need an errand run or whatever we can help with transportation wise, please call Kay Henson Tucker @ 409-370-1318.  If Kay is not available, she will contact someone else that hopefully can help. If you are interested in this program and would like to help, please let Kay know. Thanks for your ministry in Helping Hands Within.

Memory Loss Happens – What about when it is beyond normal memory loss? The Alzheimer Association is offering online webinars to help better understand dementia so as to empower the care givers and family members. Click this link for more information. CareGivers. More questions? Contact Corinne Rhoades at Libbie’s Place Adult Day Center (409) 741-2538.

Are you a Thrivent member? If so, are you aware that twice a year you can apply for $250 Action Team grants through Thrivent? These are used to help with events or donations sponsored by First Lutheran Church? Instead of losing the $500 per year, you can be participating in Thrivent’s generosity program to help communities and causes. Will you be a good steward of God’s gift?  If you have any questions, you can call: Donna Spencer at (713) 816-3338 or Brenda Concienne at (409) 370-6119.  
Thank you from the Mission Team. 

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am
Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

As stewards of the wellbeing of our community, the Church Council updated the pandemic protocols at the June Church Council meeting. You are encouraged to wear a mask as you enter and exit the building where close contact between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals is possible. In the Sanctuary masks are strongly encouraged for those wo are not fully vaccinated. We will continue to utilize social distancing in the sanctuary. We will also continue to make masks and hand sanitizers available at the entrances of the building. Please be mindful of the most vulnerable in our midst, as children under the age of 12 are not eligible for the vaccine at this time.

HOME Holy Communion Package: If you need home communion supplies as you worship virtually, please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $6321


- In-person:  87

- Virtually Online (Includes Facebook, YouTube, and Website views):

. Prelude & Postlude Music: 200 views
  Children's Message: 98 views
  Sermon: 104 views
  Worship Service: 131 views
This Week’s Birthdays

  • Carol Nelson 5th
  • Mildred Zorn 5th
  • Shane Parler 6th
  • Dennis Broughton 7th
  • Ken Maser 7th
  • Dalton Miller 9th
  • Gerald Schaub 9th
  • Katherine Schmidt 9th
  • Shirley Byers 10th
  • Katherine Gerald 10th
  • Paul Martin 10th
  • Katherine Wyman 11th


  • Rick and Sharmi Watkins 8th
  • Mike and Tracey Geml 11th

June 28, 2021

June 28, 2021

Sanctuary Temperature The Property Team is working with our air conditioning system to adjust the temperature in the sanctuary. The system has been set at 75 degrees and the system’s thermostat relays have bottomed out at 73 degrees. However, other thermometers have recorded the room temperature as 69 degrees. The Property Team is working to correct this issue and reach a more comfortable temperature. Thank you for your patience as this is worked out.

Memory Loss Happens – What about when it is beyond normal memory loss? The Alzheimer Association is offering online webinars to help better understand dementia so as to empower the care givers and family members. Click this link for more information. CareGivers. More questions? Contact Corinne Rhoades at Libbie’s Place Adult Day Center (409) 741-2538.

Are you a Thrivent member? If so, are you aware that twice a year you can apply for $250 Action Team grants through Thrivent? These are used to help with events or donations sponsored by First Lutheran Church? Instead of losing the $500 per year, you can be participating in Thrivent’s generosity program to help communities and causes. Will you be a good steward of God’s gift?  If you have any questions, you can call: Donna Spencer at (713) 816-3338 or Brenda Concienne at (409) 370-6119.  
Thank you from the Mission Team. 

Vacation Bible School July 17-18 -- Kids from Kindergarten to 5th Grade are invited to join us in learning about the "Power of Prayer" at our VBS program. Older kids can sign up to volunteer. We will have music, games, bible stories, arts & crafts, and lots of fun! We suggest a $15 donation to help cover the cost of food. To reserve your spot please email emily@firstlutherangalveston.com 

Helping Hands Ministry Within - The Mission Team had just began the work of our in-church ministry designed to help us to help each other when COVID decided to interrupt our plan. Here is preview of what this new mission is all about and why you should be excited:

  • Who? We are a group of members from First Lutheran who want to help other members of our congregation.
  • What? We are a ministry designed to assist members with household tasks or small repairs that they cannot complete on their own. Some examples include: small item removal, fixing sticking doors, changing light bulbs, moving items from house to garage or attic, trimming hedges as well as many other small household chores. The team cannot complete repairs on an emergency basis, resolve major problems, or undertake jobs that would be dangerous or present a liability issue.
  • When? Our goal is to have Helping Hands Ministry Within operational in the Summer of 2021. As with any new endeavor we expect to encounter roadblocks along the way so we are asking for your patience!
  • Where? We will be available to help you at your residence.
  • Why? Everyone needs a Helping Hand at one time or another!
  • How? Complete the Helping Hands form, available in the narthex, with name, contact information, and type of assistance needed. Place the form in the Helping Hands box and a member will contact you.

For more information please contact James Gainer at 409-771-0712or email him at pinkivory_99@yahoo.com.  Leave a message and Jim will respond as soon as he is able.

The Mission Team is excited to add to our “Helping Hands Within” program that if you need transportation to the doctor, need an errand run or whatever we can help with transportation wise, please call Kay Henson Tucker @ 409-370-1318.  If Kay is not available, she will contact someone else that hopefully can help. If you are interested in this program and would like to help, please let Kay know. Thanks for your ministry in Helping Hands Within.

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am
Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

As stewards of the wellbeing of our community, the Church Council updated the pandemic protocols at the June Church Council meeting. You are encouraged to wear a mask as you enter and exit the building where close contact between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals is possible. In the Sanctuary masks are strongly encouraged for those wo are not fully vaccinated. We will continue to utilize social distancing in the sanctuary. We will also continue to make masks and hand sanitizers available at the entrances of the building. Please be mindful of the most vulnerable in our midst, as children under the age of 12 are not eligible for the vaccine at this time.

HOME Holy Communion Package: If you need home communion supplies as you worship virtually, please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $3163


- In-person:  92

- Virtually Online (Includes Facebook, YouTube, and Website views):
  Children's Message: 114 views
  Sermon: 173 views
  Worship Service: 126 views
This Week’s Birthdays

  • Alice Prets 28th
  • Stan Humphrey 29th
  • Susan Coe 30th
  • Addison Hopkins 1st
  • Louie Johnson 1st
  • Berto Hernandez 2nd
  • Susan Wyman 2nd
  • Syleenia Gilman 3rd
  • Kinsey Crawford 4th
  • Brandi Painter 4th




June 21, 2021

Sanctuary Temperature The Property Team is working with our air conditioning system to adjust the temperature in the sanctuary. The system has been set at 75 degrees and the system’s thermostat relays have bottomed out at 73 degrees. However, other thermometers have recorded the room temperature as 69 degrees. The Property Team is working to correct this issue and reach a more comfortable temperature. Thank you for your patience as this is worked out.

Memory Loss Happens – What about when it is beyond normal memory loss? The Alzheimer Association is offering online webinars to help better understand dementia so as to empower the care givers and family members. Click this link for more information. CareGivers. More questions? Contact Corinne Rhoades at Libbie’s Place Adult Day Center (409) 741-2538.

Are you a Thrivent member? If so, are you aware that twice a year you can apply for $250 Action Team grants through Thrivent? These are used to help with events or donations sponsored by First Lutheran Church? Instead of losing the $500 per year, you can be participating in Thrivent’s generosity program to help communities and causes. Will you be a good steward of God’s gift?  If you have any questions, you can call: Donna Spencer at (713) 816-3338 or Brenda Concienne at (409) 370-6119.  
Thank you from the Mission Team. 

Vacation Bible School July 17-18 -- Kids from Kindergarten to 5th Grade are invited to join us in learning about the "Power of Prayer" at our VBS program. Older kids can sign up to volunteer. We will have music, games, bible stories, arts & crafts, and lots of fun! We suggest a $15 donation to help cover the cost of food. To reserve your spot please email emily@firstlutherangalveston.com 

The Mission Team is again requesting our members to open their hearts for animals in need for the month of June.  Last March we began this project, but unfortunately COVID19 shut down our church in the middle of our collection. The Galveston Humane Society feed and care for rescued/homeless dogs and cats. This collection will be wrapping up on June 30th. 

Helping Hands Ministry Within - The Mission Team had just began the work of our in-church ministry designed to help us to help each other when COVID decided to interrupt our plan. Here is preview of what this new mission is all about and why you should be excited:

  • Who? We are a group of members from First Lutheran who want to help other members of our congregation.
  • What? We are a ministry designed to assist members with household tasks or small repairs that they cannot complete on their own. Some examples include: small item removal, fixing sticking doors, changing light bulbs, moving items from house to garage or attic, trimming hedges as well as many other small household chores. The team cannot complete repairs on an emergency basis, resolve major problems, or undertake jobs that would be dangerous or present a liability issue.
  • When? Our goal is to have Helping Hands Ministry Within operational in the Summer of 2021. As with any new endeavor we expect to encounter roadblocks along the way so we are asking for your patience!
  • Where? We will be available to help you at your residence.
  • Why? Everyone needs a Helping Hand at one time or another!
  • How? Complete the Helping Hands form, available in the narthex, with name, contact information, and type of assistance needed. Place the form in the Helping Hands box and a member will contact you.

For more information please contact James Gainer at 409-771-0712or email him at pinkivory_99@yahoo.com.  Leave a message and Jim will respond as soon as he is able.

The Mission Team is excited to add to our “Helping Hands Within” program that if you need transportation to the doctor, need an errand run or whatever we can help with transportation wise, please call Kay Henson Tucker @ 409-370-1318.  If Kay is not available, she will contact someone else that hopefully can help. If you are interested in this program and would like to help, please let Kay know. Thanks for your ministry in Helping Hands Within.

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am
Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

As stewards of the wellbeing of our community, the Church Council updated the pandemic protocols at the June Church Council meeting. You are encouraged to wear a mask as you enter and exit the building where close contact between vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals is possible. In the Sanctuary masks are strongly encouraged for those wo are not fully vaccinated. We will continue to utilize social distancing in the sanctuary. We will also continue to make masks and hand sanitizers available at the entrances of the building. Please be mindful of the most vulnerable in our midst, as children under the age of 12 are not eligible for the vaccine at this time.

HOME Holy Communion Package: If you need home communion supplies as you worship virtually, please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Offering  $12,078


- In-person:  108

- Virtually Online (Includes Facebook, YouTube, and Website views):
  Children's Message: 79  views
  Sermon: 61 views
  Worship Service:  87 views
This Week’s Birthdays

  • Kay Hoh 21st
  • Alicia King 21st
  • Miguel Albarran Jr. 22nd
  • Tom Lewis 22nd
  • Kathy Gainer 23rd
  • Barbara Hernandez 24th
  • Rosanna Negrini 24th
  • Cassie Rogers 26th
  • Ashley Bishop 27th


  • John & Carol Adams 21st
  • Gary & Eva Scales 22nd
  • Lee & Sue Coe 27th
  • Zach & Taylor Williams 27th
