Do you have green palm branches to share? The Worship Team is looking for 2 to 4 large green palm branches for the procession on Palm Sunday (this coming Sunday). These can be fan palms or any large green palm. Because of the freeze, we are unable to get palm branches from the city which normally supplies them from their trimming work. Minimally we hope for 2 large branches (any variety).

Plan your worship attendance for Holy Week:
March 28   Palm/Passion Sunday  10:00 am 
April 1        Maundy Thursday        12: 00 noon and 6:30 pm
April 2        Good Friday                 12:00 noon and 6:30 pm
April 3        Easter Vigil                    6:30 pm
April 4        Resurrection of our Lord   8:00 am and 10:00 am
* Easter egg Hung following the 10 am worship

Easter Lillies - Sign up sheet is in the Narthex and the cost is $18.  You can also call the church office to sign up if you need to.

Easter eggs and candy needed for the annual Easter Egg Hunt! If possible, we would love eggs that already have candy inside to save our volunteers some time. Please drop off supplies no later than Sunday, March 28th.

The Mission Team is offering you an opportunity to help a very special group here on Galveston Island. Since 1953, the Sunshine Center has served individuals with developmental disabilities, with a focus on the motto " disability does not mean inability ". 

We are again partnering with them to supply their clients with needed art supplies. Their wish list contains basic items that can be picked up at the grocery store or Walmart. Monetary gifts will be used to purchase specialty items for art, ceramic and exercise classes. Checks can be made out to First Lutheran with Sunshine Center in the memo line. Art supplies can be dropped off at church in the designated boxes from April 4th to May 9th

Small paint brushes
Pastel pencils
Acrylic paint
Modge Podge
Construction paper
2" masking tape
Colored pencils
Water color pencel
Glue sticks
Scrapbooking supplies
Crafting kits
Thank you from The Mission Team!

Chicken Gumbo Take Out Dinner – Sunday, March 28!
The Men’s Club will be cooking for the first time since the pandemic began! Eager to put their culinary skills to work, they are cooking Chicken Gumbo and Garlic Bread for TAKE OUT ONLY - DELIVERIES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. The recommendation donation is $8 for a 16 ounce container of  gumbo and garlic bread.  PRE-ORDERS are necessary! Sign-up today. When signing up state how many containers you want to pick up. Pick up will be following the Sunday worship service on March, 28 (Palm Sunday).

Appeal Update: THANK YOU! Because of your generosity, ALL 6 Massai girls will be able to continue in school for this academic year!  THANK YOU for your support of this important life changing effort. 

Feed Galveston is packaging 50,000 meals on April 24th from 9-5 in the Lyceum. We are asking folks to sign up for one or more shifts (each one is a 2 hour commitment). If you are interested, please contact 

Plumbing Supplies St. Philip’s Lutheran Church, Fridley, MN has provided plumbing supplies to help families recover in the aftermath of the freeze. If you or someone you know needs plumbing supplies, contact the Church Office.

The Evangelism Team are selling yard crosses for $10 each Sunday in the Narthex. The cross is white and has "He is Risen" printed on them.  Be on the lookout for the Evangelism Team selling these in the Narthex.

Lenten Midweek Worship = Wednesday at 12 noon in the sanctuary or online.

Bible Time Travel Lesson 9 is now available! Kids from K-6 will enjoy weekly videos that help them dive into the bible stories. Find the videos at:
Also, click here to see all of our archived Kids Mission videos!
Contact for supplies.

Worship Virtually – Sundays 10:00 am


Worship Safely In Person – Sundays 10:00 am

You are encouraged to join in worship either safely in person or virtually every Sunday. 

Mask Up!
As the pandemic continues to churn in our world, First Lutheran continues to require that masks be worn and kept on during worship services or other events at the church. Those leading worship in chancel will removed their masks while speaking so as to provide clear communication for both those worshipping in person and those on line. Otherwise, everyone is required to keep their mask over their mouth and nose. Please be vigilant and encouraging to one another in observing this for the safety of all. The reality is that case numbers are rising – hopefully we can help lower those numbers and keep things moving.

HOME Holy Communion Package: If you need home communion supplies as you worship virtually, please contact the Church Office as 409-762-8477 to arrange for your package of wafers.

Help The Massai! Appeal Update: THANK YOU! Because of your generosity, ALL 6 Massai girls will be able to continue in school for this academic year!  THANK YOU for your support of this important life changing effort.

Offering  $10,046

- In-person:  91
- Virtually Online:
  Lent Wednesday Service: 16 views, Homily: 53 views
  Sunday Worship Service: 79 views
  Sermon:  61 views
  Children's Message: 26 views
  Bible Time Travel
      Lesson 9: 37 views
      Lesson 8: 71 views
      Lesson 7: 61 views
      Lesson 6: 55 views
      Lesson 5: 21 views
      Lesson 4: 33 views
      Lesson 3: 42 views
      Lesson 2: 30 views
      Lesson 1: 136 views
This Week’s Birthdays
Megan Holmes 24th
Barbara Alcala 25th
Ryan Busking 25th
Don Wyman 25th
Bethany Grizzaffi 26th
Jessica Badger 27th
Joseph Badger 27th
Peter Hoh 27th
Pat Austin 28th

Larry and Stella Ryan 27th